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Lift Off - with the Civil Aviation Authority

Job sector

Supply Chain, Transport & Logistics
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Ready to take your experience offline?

Unlock the door to in-person work experiences by completing this Virtual Work Experience programme.

virtual to realityBeta
This programme is open to anyone aged 13+
Certificate of completion
Applications will open by the end of March

Few industries capture our imagination as much as aerospace and aviation - in careers relating to these areas, the sky is no longer the limit! Although we might have an understanding of some careers found within the industry, how much do you know about the breadth of opportunities available? With the aviation and aerospace industry, there are possibilities that’ll take you above and beyond, so long as you have the knowledge, skills, and passion to take you where you want to go. Springpod have joined forces with the Civil Aviation Authority, the UK’s aviation and aerospace regulator, to provide you with an inspiring programme that’ll help your dreams of a career in the industry soar!

What's included
This programme will take a closer look at the role of the Civil Aviation Authority as a regulator of aerospace and aviation, providing you an insight into how they promote innovation in the industry, and ensure that standards and safety is always adhered to! Throughout this programme, we’ll take you through the different areas and responsibilities of the Civil Aviation Authority, and you’ll have the chance to take part in interactive activities and quizzes, and speak to leading industry experts along the way!

The Civil Aviation Authority: Working in Aviation and Aerospace

Have you ever thought about what goes into much of the behind the scenes work within aviation and aerospace? It’s an amazing industry that’s crucial for how we operate flight, and how we continue to innovate within the sector. This module will introduce you to the Civil Aviation Authority, and provide you with an insight into why it’s important, and the variety of roles within aerospace and aviation regulation.

The Civil Aviation Authority and You
Doing It the Right Way: Regulation
Doing It the Right Way: Safety & Security
Behind the Scenes: HR, Communications, and More
Behind the Scenes: Corporate Strategy and Policy
Behind the Scenes: International Group
Taking Off: Civil Aviation Authority and Space
Taking Off: Your Future

Available dates

On Demand

Programme dates

22nd July 2024 - 30th November 2024

Hear from our student community

Aqsa Saleemi, Year 12 Student

Thank you for all your time and effort. The program was by far the best experience I’ve had virtually compared to other virtual experiences I’ve done. I liked the layout and the interactive activities, and I learnt a lot I didn’t know. I would definitely recommend this program to others; it was a great experience I would love to do it all again.

Frequently asked questions

I have a question about my application or programme eligibility
I have a question about my assignment
I have a question about the programme dates, deadline or workload
I have a question about the live talks
I have a question about the certificate
I have a question about in-person work experience
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